3rd International Workshop on Machine Learning for Cyber-Ag Systems
We are pleased to invite you and your team/students to the Third International Workshop on Machine Learning for Cyber-Agricultural Systems (MLCAS 2021). It will be held on November 2nd~4th, 2021 online based on GMT+9(Tokyo, Japan), GMT-5(Ames, U.S.A). See here for more information: https://mlcas2021.github.io/
Sponsored by JST-CREST and USDA-NIFA, US NSF CPS, we are hope to bring together a large group of academic and industrial researchers and practitioners at the intersection of machine learning, cyber-physical systems, plant sciences and agriculture for two days of stimulating conversation and cross-pollination of ideas. Apart from plenary talks, we will have contributed research papers and posters, academic and industry panels, and a machine learning based plant phenotyping competition.
Extended abstract submission is open here: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/MLCAS2021
Important Dates
Submission open: Wednesday, September 1st, 2021
Paper (extended abstract) deadline: Friday, October 1st, 2021
Decision sent to authors: later in October, 2021
"Crop Yield Prediction Integrating Genotype and Weather Variables Using Machine Learning ". Find competition details here: https://eval.ai/web/challenges/challenge-page/1251/overview
Important Dates
September 3: Start Date
September 18: Team Composition Deadline
October 18: Final Submission Deadline
Oct 25: Announcement of Results
Award amounts
1st prize : $2000
2nd prize : $1500
3rd prize: $1000